I can't believe that my last post was in 2011. What happened to the idea of posting on a more-or-less-daily basis. I guess that went the way of many other thoughts.
Still, all is not lost. I have been busy with a number of projects, only one of which has now completed - more of that later.... I am also working on a numberof short stories that may themselves turn vaguely into a novel once the idea is out.
A post of one of them is due to follow shortly.
Also , for my own benefit more than anyone elses, a list of current writing projects, just in case I forget in the cut and trust of ordinary living and dying.
The Prawns of Lebowa
-The painting is my proposed part cover. This is the third and final in the Collector of Tales Trilogy. 20k words or so written but the thing is proving a little difficult as I am shifting narrative styles between threads and I have to kill off a much loved character.
The Dreamweavers
- This is now finished subject to a few very final edits. A story about two boys and a two different worlds. Its aimed at young people (to me that is 10 - 15) but it's good for any age really. It focuses on a boy called Tom who has a few learning problems that are not made easier by his ability to move in and pout of two very differnet worlds. I wrote it for two of my boys , Tom and Sam, and naturally enough they are the prinicipal characters.
Out of Mongolia (working title)
- This is a story about a virus epidemic. It was started two years ago and has three chapters only so far. Not sure if I have an appetite to finish it or not right now. I didn't actually plan the tale and so it stalled. One day, when I am grown up, perhaps I continue. I don't think that it is necessarily a genre that I want to write.
Achilles ( working title)
-Another tale about Achilles! I had an idea on a camping holiday with my boys and wote the outline for the whole book down over three days. I have handwritten four of the sixteen chapters - didn't take a lap-top - I like the tale and will continue it after the Prawns have finished.
Seagrum's Army (working title)
-A tale about a mercenary dwarf. It's just a thought at the moment andI have written a short story to give me a view. I might write a few more before I decide if this is going anywhere. I like the idea and I want to write a fantasy of the more traditional kind - unlike the Collector Series , which is definitely not of the traditional kind.
Fantasy (working title)
- an fairly old piece of about 30k words that I may pick up some time. I like some of the ideas in it but it is a bit Tolkein - which is good if you are JRRT but bad if you are someone else! Don't really know about this one. Again one day....
The Xandrian Quarters
- Finished swork. Part Two of the Collector of Tales Trilogy. Set in a classical Mediterranean world, a large part of it set against a trip to Cyprus a couple of years ago.
The Collector of Tales
-If ever I want to be remembered for writing, it is for this story. The first real piece of writing that I have really put together and something that I am immensely proud of. It's out there on Lulu and Kindle and it is selling a few. Nothing to make me a wealthy man, but am I bothered?