What's it about

This blog exists to promote the writing of David Payne, an enthusiatic but as yet unrecognised writer who has traded crunching computer code in the early hours of each day , for the incredible pleasure of writing stories. He is not planning to give up his day job as a Compliance Consultant in the UK Financial Services industry but rather sees the two things as broadly similar. Both exist to satisfy certain human needs and both seem to involve a certain level of imagination, if not fantasy. In this blog you will find samples of different writing projects that are being worked on or are already complete. Some are available to purchase in the Amazon Kindle store and all support is welcome! Others writings are included for interest and hopefully a modicum of entertainment. All feedback and comments are welcome.

If you are looking for David's Compliance Blog instead, please head off here...

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Is it really that long ago!

I can't believe that my last post was in 2011. What happened to the idea of posting on a more-or-less-daily basis. I guess that went the way of many other thoughts.
Still, all is not lost. I have been busy with a number of projects, only one of which has now completed - more of that later.... I am also working on a numberof short stories that may themselves turn vaguely into a novel once the idea is out.
A post of one of them is due to follow shortly.
Also , for my own benefit more than anyone elses, a list of current writing projects, just in case I forget in the cut and trust of ordinary living and dying.

The Prawns of Lebowa
-The  painting is my proposed part cover.  This is the third and final in the Collector of Tales Trilogy. 20k words or so written but the thing is proving a little difficult as I am shifting narrative styles between threads and I have to kill off a much loved character.
The Dreamweavers
- This is now finished subject to a few very final edits. A story about two boys and a two different worlds. Its aimed at young people (to me that is 10 - 15) but it's good for any age really. It focuses on a boy called Tom who has a few learning problems that are not made easier by his ability to move in and pout of two very differnet worlds. I wrote it for two of my boys , Tom and Sam, and naturally enough they are the prinicipal characters.
Out of Mongolia (working title)
- This is a story about  a virus epidemic. It was started two years ago and has three chapters only so far. Not sure if I have an appetite to finish it or not right now. I didn't actually plan the tale and so it stalled. One day, when I am grown up, perhaps I continue. I don't think that it is necessarily a genre that I want to write.
Achilles ( working title)
-Another tale about Achilles! I had an idea on a camping holiday with my boys and wote the outline for the whole book down over three days. I have handwritten four of the sixteen chapters - didn't take a lap-top - I like the tale and will continue it after the Prawns have finished.
Seagrum's Army (working title)
-A tale about a mercenary dwarf. It's just a thought at the moment andI have written a short story to give me a view. I might write a few more before I decide if this is going anywhere. I like the idea and I want to write a fantasy of the more traditional kind - unlike the Collector Series , which is definitely not of the traditional kind.
Fantasy (working title)
- an fairly old piece of about 30k words that I may pick up some time. I like some of the ideas in it but it is a bit Tolkein - which is good if you are JRRT but bad if you are someone else! Don't really know about this one. Again one day....


The Xandrian Quarters
- Finished swork. Part Two of the Collector of Tales Trilogy. Set in a classical Mediterranean world, a large part of it set against a trip to Cyprus a couple of years ago.
The Collector of Tales
-If ever I want to be  remembered for writing, it is for this story. The first real piece of writing that I have really put together and something that I am immensely proud of. It's out there on Lulu and Kindle and it is selling a few. Nothing to make me a wealthy man, but am I bothered?